About Us
Spafair.co is an online retailer selling modern and vintage products for bathroom and outdoor since 2018. Bathroom accessories, sauna supplies, lighting, outdoor furniture are among our products. We aim to provide a memorable experience when you shop on our online store by offering quality products with verified manufacturers.
We currently offer shipping to the US only and distribute via FedEx, UPS, and First Class Priority Mail.
We carefully choose products with our suppliers to ensure your satisfaction.
We also aim to reduce our carbon footprint and do good for the environment. While this is not easy for newly established businesses, with world logistics and not a large selection of products made from biodegradable or recycled materials, we are always looking for new partnerships and suppliers to expand out product catalog with more sustainable products.
If you have any suggestions or maybe you're a supplier, please feel free to reach out to us at info[at]spafair.co. Any feedback is appreciated!